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Hey! I'm Ella, I'm a Modern Languages student. I'm particularly interested in women and girls' rights, e.g. education/period poverty, and how our modern political and social structures often fail the most vulnerable within society.


Fun fact about me; I once went trekking in the monsoon season without a coat!




Hi there I'm Will! I study Theology and Religion. My passion for social justice comes entirely from wanting to live how Jesus showed us. If Jesus is who He says He is (and I think he is!), then His life has GOT to be the example that we try to live by! 

Jesus set out to seek and serve the lowest and the lost, which is what I want to see Just Love Brum do. Imagine the real-life impact of an entire justice-seeking community who are acting with a heart of that's a vision!

Fun fact about me; I've been for a ride in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, no joke the real car! 





Prayer and Theology Rep

Hey everyone, I'm Joe, and I'm studying Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics. 

I love how God calls each of us to restore broken relationships and fight against injustices, regardless of how equipped we feel to do so! 

I'm particularly interested in empowering young people who are disadvantaged by our existing social structures and demonstrating Christ's love in response to this, enabling us to profoundly impact both their future and that of our city. 

Fun fact about me; I was once on CBBC's The Slammer when I was younger. 



Local Coordinator

Hi! I'm Jess, and I'm a Geography student. 

My key interests are in intergenerational equity and post-colonial injustices, focusing on historical oppression and its legacies. 

In the past, I have done fundraising for mental health and suicide prevention charities, which are also key areas of social justice that I'm interested in! 

Fun fact about me; I love cold baked beans - but only if they're Heinz! 




Global Coordinator

Heya guys! I'm Charlotte and I study Drama. 
I'm really interested in fighting Climate Change and deforestation to become better stewards of God's creation. 
I became particularly interested in Climate Change on a volunteer trip to Borneo which really opened my eyes to the destruction occurring in the rainforests. 
Fun fact about me; I'm pretty clumsy and have broken the arm 5 times...mostly falling over things that weren't there!



Personal Coordinator

Hey, I'm Rebecca, and I study Philosophy and Ethics. 
I really want to focus on how we can pursue social justice as individuals. 
I'm particularly interested in environmental social justice and mental health and plan to host some events focused on these areas throughout the year. As well as getting our community involved in some campaigns, protests, and petitions!
Fun fact about me; I'm randomly allergic to bananas.


Hazel Mvere 

Social Media Secretary

Hi everyone! My name is Hazel and I'm taking over as Social Media Secretary for the rest of the year.  

I'm super excited to share everything that's going on at Just Love Brum in a fun and creative way, so if things start to look a bit different around here, that's me! 

Fun fact about me: when I was 14, my flute teacher secretly left the country and eloped. My school couldn't replace her so I played the cello instead :) 




Hey friends! My name is Esther, and I study Medicine. 
For me, pursuing justice has always been about seeing people how God sees them. 
On an individual level, this translates into building meaningful relationships and trying to understand the impacts of my everyday choices. Taking them seriously as acts of worship to a just and loving God. 
Fun fact about me; my kitchen is famous; its been used in several adverts!

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