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Plastic Free Pints and Trip to the Thrift Shop: This One's For The Freshers

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

You’ve been at uni barely a month, you've just about got used to living with your flatmates and now you're thinking of how you can make this new lifestyle more eco-friendly. We've got you covered. As students it’s easy to go for what’s convenient, without much regard for the environment, but with the prominent urgency of climate change, its important we challenge that. Living a more sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard, boring or even overwhelming. This article will cover how to look after the earth in an affordable, easy and stylish way. Looking at recycling, zero-waste living and sustainable fashion.

1. Recycling

Having all your flatmates on board with recycling can be a challenge! In first year, I was lucky to be in Green Community accommodation, which had an emphasis on recycling.

  • Be bold and encourage your flatmates to recycle. They may need a lot of encouragement at first, but once they get used to recycling, it will become second nature.

  • Make sure you designate bins for rubbish, recycling and glass. It’s good to be informed as to what your area collects, in order to segregate your bins correctly.

  • It might be helpful to make some signs to remind yourself and your flatmates what goes in each bin. Also having some kind of agreed plan or rota in place to take out the bins, helps stop any overflowing and subsequently, items not ending up in the recycling.

2. Plastic free shopping – zero waste

Plastic free shopping can be difficult to navigate and appear to be the more expensive option. However, it is more about giving it a go and learning along the way. Here's some helpful tips:

  • Bringing a reusable shopping bag with you on your trip to Aldi, is an easy way to reduce your use of disposable plastic bags. And if you forget, just make sure to reuse your plastic bag as a bin liner or for another shopping trip!

  • Be observant when shopping! It’s difficult to completely avoid buying items that don’t have any excessive plastic. But if you have two options of buying some veg wrapped in plastic or a loose, go for the loose option! And when online shopping, make sure to request that your shopping and veg comes without being wrapped in plastic!

  • Birmingham’s Clean Kilo is a zero waste shop in Digbeth is an amazing way to go all out with plastic free shopping! With the UK’s largest zero waste supermarket just a bus/train journey away, it’s worth a visit! Your encouraged to bring your own containers to fill with cereal, rice, cleaning products etc.

‘It makes my soul happy, such a good idea’

Imogen Varley (UoB Music Student)

‘It’s a great alternative to supermarkets that uses unnecessary plastic, went home feeling inspired’

Megan Lambert (UoB Biomed Student)

Check out their website here!

3. Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion can a very intimidating subject, it’s hard to know which brands are ethical and can appear expensive.

Dr Blackburn goes as far as to say "you shouldn't consider buying any item of clothing unless you commit to 30 wears. Unless you can do that you're not even starting to be sustainable. You are creating a waste problem". Yikes. Pretty convicting stuff.

Consuming less is definitely the goal, but for when all your shoes have holes in and your white t-shirts are looking a little less white, here's some tips on buying the things you need, while not racking up your environmental footprint:

  • Buy second hand from websites such as Depop and Ebay. They are easy to use and it is a much greener way to shop!

  • Make a fun trip out of charity shopping with your friends. You might even find some unique items to add to your wardrobe for a bargain. I would recommend checking out Harborne, Stirchley, Digbeth, Mosely and the occasional Kilo sale!

  • Try not to feel the pressure of fast fashion. Wear an item of clothing more than once, borrow a one-off outfit from a friend, and look into introducing more sustainable brands into your wardrobe (e.g. ‘Lucy and Yak’, Know The Origin).

‘Being environmentally conscious makes me feel like I’m doing more about the environment! And shopping from Depop and Charity shops can often be cheaper and you can find some really individual items’

Ella Lewis (Global coordinator of Just Love Brum)

Well done if you've read this far! Here's a special BONUS tip just for you:

Fresher's can be crazy, but don't let your good intentions towards the environment let you miss out on the any of the fun. Here's Emma Vaughan's top tip for any fresher's out there:

Invest in a metal pint glass. You’ll probably end up going through a lot of plastic cups at freshers events and nights out, so if you can take your own out with you - you’ll be winning.

Emma Vaughan

A crucial part of being a sustainable student is implementing tips that aren't only sustainable for the planet, but that are also sustainable for you. So give it a go and see what small changes you think you might be able to form into more long term habits.

And if you do feel like this doesn't quite satisfy your thirst for environmental revolution, follow us on Facebook at Just Love Brum to be first in line for more details about our Just Lunch events where we are going through Tearfund's incredible resources on plastic pollution. We cannot recycle our way out of plastic pollution - we need systemic change. Just Lunch is a time where we educate ourselves on where, how and why we can use our voices to make the most significant impact.

We'd love to see you there!

Lots of love, Just Love Brum

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